Converting my Bike into an Electric Bike: The Journey of 3D Printing a Bracket

The Spark of Innovation The idea struck me to convert my bike into an electric powerhouse. Armed with a 150 Euro motor and a thirst for innovation, I set out on this DIY journey. From Scans to Design: Iterations Galore Utilizing reality capture and my smartphone, I meticulously scanned both the bike frame and the…

Crafting a Raven: An Animatronic Assistant

From Inspiration to Creation Inspired by a myriad of online tutorials, I embarked on an ambitious project: to bring to life an animatronic raven. Using Fusion 360 for the design, and a combination of servo motors, 3D printing, wires, and feathers, my goal was to create not just a mechanical bird but a personal assistant…

Raspberry Pi 2 W Meets Arduino: A Fun Journey

Starting the Setup In the universe of DIY and making things by hand, combining Raspberry Pi 2 W with Arduino opens many doors. My recent adventure involved making Raspberry Pi 2 W talk to Arduino, and this process, it was smooth and full of joy. SSH Magic For the beginning, I set up Raspberry Pi…

Magic in the Wood: Wireless LEDs

Wireless Wonders Wireless power isn’t just for our phones anymore. My latest tinkering takes this marvel into the realm of wood, embedding electronics to create enchanting luminous effects. Imagine wood, so still and silent, suddenly aglow – magic? Unexpected Glow The heart of the experiment? Wireless LEDs. No wires, no visible power source, just the…

CNC Experiments

To create personalized controllers, I acquired a Shapeoko CNC machine capable of working with various materials like wood and acrylics. Combining this with a laser cutter, I engraved text onto the wooden surfaces. Additionally, I utilized the machine to craft intricate components for small furniture items. To further enhance my projects, I also explored the…

Game Design Club @ Experimental Game Cultures

As a part of my role as university assistant at the Experimental Game Cultures department @ University Of Applied Arts Vienna I created the first edition of our Game Design Club. In these sessions, the students create playable prototypes after an introductory talk about game design methodology, a discussion of different design mindsets and analysis…

Live Polling App

A recent prototype included the building of a live polling app to use for live-feedback in presentations: One of the pages is for entering data and uses the “fingerprint” of the browser to remember who posted the data. The second page is to display the results from an internal JSON file. The technologies used are…

Raspberry To Database

A recent experiment – the goal was to connect a physical device (in this case, the Raspberry Pi Pico W) to the internet and send data to a database. Everything is coded from scratch, to allow for most flexilibility. The Raspberry Pi connects to the local Wifi (could therefore also be run with a battery)…

Bluetooth Microcontroller to Google Cardboard

The development of this prototype spanned over the course of several weeks. The goal was to make a Virtual Reality game that connects to a custom made physical controller. Step 1 – Connection between Arduino & Unity Android app This was pretty straightforward, using a Bluetooth chip, I was able to connect my Android phone…

Goal oriented AI

I am currently researching Goal Oriented Action Planning as a way to build AI that’s capable of relatively emergent behavior.Based on the world and objects around it, the AI decides the best strategy to fulfill its’ goal (in this case, gathering wood). Each action it has available carries a certain cost and precondition. Collecting logs…

A Walk At Dusk

The typical museum visitor looks at a single work of art for less than 30 seconds. Utilizing a specific work of art on display at the Getty Center, we created a playful experience that helps people discover something new.

R. Mutt

A level in Unreal Engine based on Marcel Duchamp’s fountain and famous signature “R.Mutt”. Flushing coins and projected cones.

Real-time mesh deformation along splines

I am currently exploring working with splines and spline-meshes in Unreal Engine 4. They enable a level designer to sketch out advanced level designs in real-time, in the editor without ever touching 3D software. I was able to create this small scene in about half an hour. I will continue exploring this exciting area of…

Local Multiplayer Prototype

Experimenting with new techniques in 3ds max and Unity3D to achieve a lowpoly-style. Local multiplayer.

VR Airplane

Due to the lack of Virtual Reality Flight Simulators, I started experimented with building one. I think that Virtual Reality offers itself perfectly for making a flight simulation project, as the effects of gravity are turned on its’ head when we travel by plane. Just imagine a sharp turn when you approach your airport; something…

Fulldome Concept

This project stands as my result at the end of this semester, where I worked on implementing a natural user interface (Kinect) in an immersive space (Fulldome). The goal of this installation is to present a perspective that focuses on the perceptual experience inside a Fulldome. The user can control the protagonist  with his/her body;…

Early Ruben prototypes

A 6 minute gameplay video of the early version of a from-scratch game prototype from 2014. The game started with ideas about resource gathering, transportation and travel. Later, a purchase system was added. The shop dialogue allows the player to buy useful objects like cars and planes, weapons or magnets. There were also rudimentary optimization…